Garam Jang

Full-stack Developer

Hi! I am a self-driven full-stack developer with a focus on JavaScript, React, Express, Node, MongoDB and SQL. I have a natural passion for providing solutions and specialize in building applications with a minimalist front-end design.

With eight years of experience in sales operations and fashion wholesale/retail, I possess a strong foundation in result-oriented customer service. And my attention to detail has enabled me to be the go-to person for data management and analysis.

Outside of work, I’m a home cook, specialty coffee enthusiast, lego builder, home organizer, and lover of Scandinavian and Japanese Zen interior design.


Languages, Frameworks, Databases

JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 Python React Node.js Express Flask Jinja PostgreSQL MongoDB


GitHub Heroku Netlify Bootstrap Tailwind CSS Tableau Salesforce



Movie Moods

"Movies to match your moods." This fully responsive, full-stack Flask application connected to PostgreSQL database allows users to browse movies by niche selection of moods instead of broad genres. Signed in users should have ability to CRUD data based on authorization.

Tech used: Python, PostgreSQL, Flask, Jinja



A MERN stack application with Mapbox, Cloudinary, JWT authentication, fully responsive and polished with Tailwind. This app intends to help users explore and share their local area or anywhere they're in. Users can also plan their one-day adventure by adding places to their itinerary.

Tech used: MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js, Mapbox, Cloudinary, Tailwind


Coffee Reviews

This MEN stack application with responsive design is built for specialty coffee lovers to review coffee beans and value the farmers and roasters the same. Users should sign in with Google OAuth, CRUD options are available depending on authorization dynamics.

Tech used: MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, Google OAuth, Bootstrap


Coffee Trivia

A single-page trivia game written in JavaScript, HTML5 & CSS3, with four difficulty levels. Features random order questions and a cafe ambience sound button for a fun experience. The player should score at least 7/10 within 120 seconds to win the game.

Tech used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap